Sunday, 1 October 2017

Why people are obsessed with snapchat

Snapchat, social media, social network, Snapchat app, Snapchat iOS, SNapchat
Snapchat may provide the perfect medium for maintaining relationships with close friends, without the pressure to present one self in extraordinary form, say scientists who delved into why people use the addictive social platform which allows short, quick posts. Due to its brevity, Snapchat could be the best form of communication in a world where people struggle with a seemingly diminishing attention span.

In other words, Snapchat, because of its brevity, can provide the perfect medium for those who are hesitant about communicating their life to a public audience, but at the same time can become addictive because those same properties allow for multiple, quick posts that only last a few seconds. "I noticed people were using it all the time. They are constantly on it," said Narissra Punyanunt-Carter, associate professor at Texas Tech University.However, researchers found that the interest and popularity of Snapchat goes beyond just its simplicity. "People use Snapchat a lot because of its entertainment and functional needs," said J J Delacruz, graduate student at Texas Tech University in the US. "For certain people, it enables them to overcome communication apprehension by using a different means of communication where they don't have a threat in their face. At the same time, there are people who are addicted to it," said Delacruz.

"It's very different from the traditional social media because it only records 10 seconds worth of snaps that are very, very quick," said Punyanunt-Carter. "So if I have a lot of friends, that is very time consuming to sit down and watch all their posts on most social media platforms," she said. For the study, researchers recruited students who use Snapchat, and asked them about their reasons for using the medium, including needs and motivations.
It also asked about general social media use motivations, such as personality characteristics and what made them tend to gravitate toward Snapchat as a social medium. It also asked questions to help researchers analyze differences between males and females. The brevity of Snapchat posts was a key factor for two big reasons. People using Snapchat felt much more trustworthy with how they shared content with others.
Since the content disappears quickly, users are able to share their lives and do not feel the pressure to present themselves in any extraordinary form - they can just be their normal, real self. "They thought that was a good way to maintain ties with people they were already very close with, inter personally," Delacruz said. Delacruz said Snapchat is not the preferred social media platform for starting a new relationship.
However, it is an optimal platform for those with whom the user already has a relationship, and therefore do not have to impress in their post. It is used to maintain relationships and establish trust between users. At the same time, Snapchat seems to change faster than other social media platforms, adding things like filters that Facebook and Instagram later added as well. "It takes away the pressure of coming up with a great message or great topic, or coming up with a way to present yourself that is socially acceptable," Delacruz said.

5 Delightful Things To Do Before 8am

Life can keep you so busy that it feels like a big challenge to move towards your dreams. It gets even more complicated if you have a full-time job and kids – you would have to wake up as early as 4 am to prep the children and beat the notorious Lagos traffic.

Side profile of a mid adult woman reading a book with her daughter and smiling
However, no matter how busy your schedule is, there are a few productive things   you should do daily before the day’s activities start and Jovago.comAfrica’s No 1 hotel booking portal outlines five of these important things.


Get healthy sleep

Sleep is as important as eating and drinking water. Despite this the high rate of awareness surrounding this topic, millions of people still do not get enough sleep daily and the consequence of that is that they easily lose concentration. Advantages having a great sleep regimen include increased memory, reduced stress, and decreased risk of depression. So sleep as much as you but do not slumber all day.

Take a cold shower

Taking your bath in the morning is already a tradition.  A cold shower in the morning relaxes the body and improve your
metabolism. The result of this is that it enhances your quality. Of course, a quality life is guaranteed to have a positive impact on your general well-being.


Listen to or read motivational content

A warm morning after having a cold shower is always an opportunity to motivate yourself by listening or reading to motivational contents. You can spend 15-30 minutes to do this. Aside from motivating yourself, it will expand your horizon.


Nearly everyone recognizes that there is a Supreme Being who exists. No matter your religious affiliation(s), it is important to spend quiet time in meditation and interacting with the Being in the morning for guidance and peace. It is worth it.


Light Physical activity

Despite countless evidence of the need for exercise, few Nigerians engage in it. Light physical activity like push ups’ will keep the body fit throughout the day and if you make it a part of your routine you will notice a considerable difference in your physical appearance.

5 reasons why your spouse will never travel with you

In every relationship, traveling has been proven to add spice to any romantic relationship. The justification for this is not far-fetched because couples who travel together are certainly guaranteed to spend more time together.
In spite of the seamless advantages of travel in relationships, some people still vehemently reject the opportunity to discover and explore nature when invited. For this reason,, Africa’s No 1 hotel booking portal shares 5 tip on why some people you care about will never go on a trip with you.

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Terrible planning

Those who do not plan, plan to fail goes a wise saying. Hence, to get your partner riled up about travelling with you, the planning must be near perfect. In other words, spell out your itinerary and ensure that there are no hitches.
The hotels should be booked, the pickup car must arrive at the agreed time, and the choice destination needs to be adorable and charming. Importantly, ensure that you correspond with your partner on getting a convenient time, date and destination to visit. Traveling should not be an element of surprise except both partners understand each other.

They do not love you

Travel fuels love and breeds better understanding among couples. If the timing is right and the vacation is well-thought-out, your partner should readily travel with you. However, if your partner does not love or cherish you, they will reject your advances. It is worthwhile, to look out for signs that she is interested in traveling before making any plans or else you will be disappointed.

Flight Phobia

Flying freaks some people out and they have vowed never to go near an airport! They do not mind driving the entire distance
. In light of this, you would be wasting your hard-earned money if you book a flight for someone that has flight-fright.  Unless you can convince them about flying, plan a road trip.
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No new adventure

Doing something the same way will yield the same result. When your partner visits the same spot, eat the same food and play the same game over and over again, they get bored. In the long run, they will shrug off all attempts to travel with you. Since variety is the spice of life, try as much as possible to be creative whenever you go on a journey with your significant other.


A luxurious getaway is quite expensive even though there are creative ways to travel on a budget. The best time not to travel is when you are cash-strapped because the journey will be replete with avoidable hiccups. If your partner gets a whiff of this they may never go anywhere with you since they do not want the harrowing and depressing reward of a cash-strapped journey.

Almost 800 Injured As Police Try To Stop Voting In Catalonia’s Independence Referendum

Almost 800 Injured As Police Try To Stop Voting In Catalonia's Independence Referendum
The Catalan emergency officials have disclosed that over 761 people were injured on Sunday as police used force to try to block voting in Catalonia’s independence referendum.
This is just as the Catalan Health Department claimed that 844 persons were injured by Spanish police.
Spanish national police launched a widespread crackdown on Catalonia’s disputed independence referendum today, raiding polling stations and firing rubber bullets in a concerted attempt to deny the vote legitimacy.
It is understood that voters were asked to answer the question: “Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic?” –  In a poll deemed illegal by the central government.
Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy speaks during a press statement about the Catalonian referendum. Photograph: Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images
Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy speaks during a press statement about the Catalonian referendum. Photograph: Pablo Blazquez Dominguez/Getty Images
Speaking soon after the polls closed at 20:00 local time (18:00 GMT), Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Catalans had been fooled into taking part in an illegal vote.
He added that there could be “no acceptance of this illegal referendum.”
“What the Spanish people saw today is that the rule of law remains strong in Spain and we remain strong against those who would counter our laws,” he said.
Police officers were said to have prevented some people from voting, seizing ballot papers and boxes at polling stations.
In the regional capital Barcelona, police used batons and fired rubber bullets during pro-referendum protests.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a statement saying that even though Spain’s top court had ruled that the referendum should not go ahead, the state still had a duty to protect the rights to “peaceful assembly and free expression.”

“That applies equally to those who oppose independence and those who support it,” said HRWWestern Europe Researcher Kartik Raj.
Catalonia, a wealthy region of 7.5 million people in north-eastern Spain, has its own language, culture and regional government – or Generalitat – which already has considerable powers over health care, education and tax collection.
Man injured by a rubber bullet fired by Spanish police officers outside the Ramon Llull polling station in Barcelona: AFP/Getty Images
Man injured by a rubber bullet fired by Spanish police officers outside the Ramon Llull polling station in Barcelona: AFP/Getty Images
It also has a high degree of autonomy, but is not recognised as a separate nation under the Spanish constitution.
Pressure for a vote on self-determination has grown over the past five years.
Catalonia’s campaign to break away has been gaining momentum since 2010, when Spain’s economy plunged during the financial crisis.
But Spanish unionists argue Catalonia already enjoys broad autonomy within Spain, along with other regions like the Basque Country and Galicia.

4 Application Pages On Facebook That Can Help You Find A Partner

In this day and age, there are a lot of websites that have provided an easy means for people to find a partner but none seems to match the power of Facebook. With, Tinder and even Craigslist providing the young and old an opportunity to get partners, it appears to be quite easy to find someone special.
Furthermore, one app that a lot of people however overlook is Facebook and the good news is that it may just be the place where your partner or better half is waiting for you. Here are 4 application pages on Facebook that can provide provide with your desires.

Perhaps one of the most known and successful apps, Badoo is one app that uses Facebook to its advantage. It boasts of videos where users can glean tips on how to secure dates. It also provides headlines that ate generated through a celebrity lookalike feature, that employs facial recognition technology to allow the user to see if they look more like Alec Baldwin, Brad Pitt, or Idris Elba or Kim Kardashian or Kourtney.

Badoo Facebook page also hosts #NoDateNight events and post the action. With over 10ears on Facebook, the longevity of the app pages on the site shows that it is doing something right that makes it a good page to get a partner.
DatingJungle does its best to help any lovelorn person to go through the numerous dating websites that are out there. The paramount thing for them is selecting the right service for you, and they’re not wrong. While some visitors to the page might be up for kissing a few frogs, others maybe interested in love.

The page provides in-depth reviews of every site from the most popular dating ones to those you’ve never heard of, and a host in between. This Facebook page provides information on what site will most likely you milk you out of your money and where there maybe apps that can help you save money. They also offer dos and don’ts of dating in the meantime that can help ensure your relationship survives the test of time.
Zoosk is one of the top dating apps in the world and it has a Facebook page that appears to be an important branch of the full tree of the app that you can choose to play in. Zoosk provides you with the opportunity to learn through informative videos posted on the page, including “What do woman want and look for online,” and also effective testimonials from couples who found love through Zoosk.

The Zoosk page on Facebook can however sometimes be crowded with memes and messaging about being empowered, but the good thing is that the Behavioral Matchmaking technology the app employs clearly produces results. Zoosk has the advantage of having over 400 million users which makes it a leader in the community that provides partners as opposed to those that are concerned with hookups. employs some form of admirable restraint, despite the fact that the woman they use to generate dialogue couldn’t possibly be single ladies looking for a man to spend a lifetime with. The pictures of the women help to encourage commentary, including the titillating headlines they come with.

With a mission statement that reads: “Everything we do is aimed at bringing singles together and helping them start a relationship with a special person. We have developed this skill into a fine art,” the app surely welcomes flirting on their Facebook page, and go on further to acknowledge that it is an important stage everyone looking for a partner should be willing to brave.

Social Networks confrim Nigerias Request for user information

A new report has confirmed what many Nigerians have long suspected to be true: that the federal government is spying on its citizens through the social media and email accounts.
The report titled, “The Growing Trend of African Government’s Requests for User Information and Content Removal from Internet and Telecoms Companies,” was released last month by the Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) established under the Catalysing Access to Information and Communications Technologies in Africa (CATIA) initiatives funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).

The organisation analysed transparency reports released by telecommunications and social media companies.

The reports by these companies including Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter and others showed that there has been a surge in African governments’ requests for user information.

According to the report, African governments’ requests are for subscribers’ data, content preservation, and content removal.
Facebook listed Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt and Sudan as the African countries that made the highest requests.
The social media giant said that the government of Nigeria had specified the highest number of user information on its user information requests with 113 accounts.

South Africa made 32 requests for user accounts, Egypt (31) and Sudan (24).
Facebook said that Nigeria also made requests for content in six user accounts to be preserved.
It said that Nigeria made requests for 96 users’ information during the second half of 2015, meaning that the requests were made after President Muhammadu Buhari assumed office on May 29, 2015.

The report stated: “It is worth noting that the number of requests to Facebook by African governments is small when compared to the United States of America which made nearly 50,000 user information requests relating to over 80,000 user accounts and 69,437 preservation requests in 2016.

“Facebook’s compliance rate with the U.S.’ requests last year was over 80 per cent.”
Tech giant, Google, also declared that Nigeria in 2015 made requests to it.

Google launched the first transparency report in 2009, followed by Twitter in 2012, and Facebook and Yahoo in 2013.
The report stated: “Since 2013, Google has received user information requests from 10 African countries – Algeria, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, The Seychelles and South Africa.

“Over three years, Kenya made the highest number of user information requests to Google – 21 relating to 32 user accounts – followed by South Africa and Nigeria.

“Aside from eight requests made by the Kenya government during the second half of 2013 relating to 11 user accounts, of which Google complied with 63 per cent, all the other requests were rejected.

“Nigeria is the only government in Africa to have made a user information request to Google and it was fully complied with. The emergency disclosure request was made by the Nigerian authorities in the second half of 2016 and it related to five user accounts.

“Google had rejected all of Nigeria’s seven previous requests,” it explained.
Twitter, in its transparency declaration, stated that Nigeria made three emergency requests, of which two were complied with.

It stated that the first request was made in the second half of 2015 while the second was made in the second half of 2016.
Yahoo, however, did not list any request made to it by any African countries.

The report described MTN as not being transparent because it refused to provide details of requests made to it by governments of the 19 countries where it operates in Africa.

The report added: “In its 2016 Annual Sustainability Report, MTN reaffirmed its support for human rights including access to information, freedom of expression, privacy and security of its users’ communications and information.
“However, the telecommunications company, one of the largest service providers in Africa with a presence in 19 countries, provides no information about how it handles requests from governments and private parties for user information or surveillance support.

“Similarly, MTN provides little information about its processes for handling such requests.

“The South Africa based company also does not disclose any data about the number of requests it receives or complies with, which places it a rank lower than the likes of Millicom, Vodafone and Orange when it comes to transparency about its policies relating to users’ freedom of expression and privacy.”

Recently, the Nigerian Army had said it was monitoring social media site as part of its surveillance programme. However, following a backlash, it recanted.


Meghan Markle's Yoga Instructor mums is looking very young more like his sister

After months of keeping a relatively low profile, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been putting out serious PDA's this week.

Suits actress Meghan, 36, has been offering her support to boyfriend Harry in Toronto at the Invictus Games: an international, multi-sport event for Paralympians which he founded in 2014.

Last week they were filmed holding hands on the way to a wheelchair tennis event, and couldn't take their eyes off each other to actually watch the game.

Last night, at the closing ceremony, Harry planted a kiss on his girlfriend's cheek and made us all gush a little bit - they just look so happy! - but you might have initially missed someone else in the photo: Meghan's mum.

Why did we miss her initially? Because she looks so young, you would think she couldn't possibly be old enough to be her mother.

Meghan's mum, Doria Radlan, is actually 61 years old but you wouldn't think it thanks to her youthful complexion.

Doria is a social worker and yoga instructor, and the former might give us a clue as to how she's stayed looking more like her daughter's sister.

She gave birth to daughter Meghan in August 1981 and divorced her father Thomas when she was six, according to the Daily Mail.

Peter Obi said Nigeria is a failed country at 57

A former Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, on Saturday declared that the country had failed as a nation since gaining independence in 1960.

Obi lamented the failure of successive governments in the country.

The former governor warned that the increasing spate of agitations by various ethnic-nationalities in the country in recent times might get out of control if governments at all levels did not put measures in place that would create employment for jobless youths.

He spoke in Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital, on Saturday while delivering an anniversary lecture organized by the state government as part of activities to mark the 57th anniversary of the country and Ebonyi State at 21.

The theme of the anniversary lecture was, ‘Ebonyi State: yesterday, today and tomorrow.’

He said, “Nigeria is a failed country. The country is going backward. Not thinking of the future; that is why there are agitations everywhere. The agitations are just starting. There are millions of jobless youths doing nothing in the country. Most young people have lost their future.

“Nigeria is in the wrong direction. The country is not doing well. The indices of good governance are very clear worldwide. The only way to stop the agitations is to engage the youths in meaningful ventures. The world is selling knowledge and not baggage economy.  Nigeria needs to embrace knowledge-based economy. With such an economy in place, by the year 2020, the country would join the world to create 25 million job opportunities for the youth.”

The former governor emphasized that over dependence on oil as the mainstay of the nation’s economy was no longer fashionable and tenable.

“Oil is destined to finish in the next 30 years. The Federal Allocation Committee is one of the things that make us lazy. Nobody is willing to work except to go to Abuja on a monthly basis to share money. Our reserve is weak.

Obi disagreed with the claim of the Federal Government that the country had exited recession citing widespread poverty as the reason.

Army Plane crashes and some died

A military cargo plane crashed in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital Kinshasa on Saturday, killing its 12 crew members, the defense minister said.

"I confirm that a military aircraft crashed this morning," said De fence Minister Crispin Atama Tabe. "All 12 members of the crew died."

The Antonov transport plane had just taken off and had "several dozen people" on board, an airport source told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The plane went down in Nsele, about 100 kilometers to the east of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the source said.

So sad what a sad news losing people to a cargo plane crash ..RIP to all lost soul and God give there families the grace to bear the loss.

The Nigerian Health Workers suspend strike

The Joint Health Sector Unions and Assembly of Healthcare Professionals, JOHESU, has suspended its nine-day-old strike. The union made the decision following a nine-hour meeting with the federal government in Abuja today.
The national chairman of the union, Biobelemoye Josiah, said the strike had been suspended “in principle”, as a NEC meeting of the union will be held on Tuesday to take the final decision.
He said that the union has reached an agreement with the Federal government and workers are to resume back to work on Wednesday.
The union embarked on a nationwide strike on September 20 to protest among other issues, salaries adjustments, promotion arrears, and improved work environment for its members.

FFK Backing Fayose for presidency

A former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, has explained why he is backing the presidential bid of the governor of Ekiti State, Ayo Fayose.
Mr. Fayose had on Thursday in Abuja formally declared his intention to run for president in 2019 on the ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.
The governor, who will complete his tenure in 2018, said he joined the race in order to tackle the myriad of problems confronting Nigeria and also engender the unity of the country which he said was being threatened by nepotism, religious bigotry and favoritism of the Muhammadu Buhari administration.
In a statement sent to Premium Times on Saturday, Mr. Fani-Kayode, who was one of the prominent members of the PDP that

spoke at the event, said he was backing Mr. Fayose because of his courage, frankness and conviction.

“I stood with Governor Ayodele Fayose because, unlike most, he has courage,” the former minister said.

“We come from completely different backgrounds and we do not agree on everything but we have a similar disposition and we share the same perspective on most things.

“He is not bound up in fear and he is not chained down by political correctness. He speaks the raw and bitter truth and he stands up for the weak and the defenseless.

“Like me, he moves in the prophetic and his source of strength is the spirit and power of God.

“We both love God and we are both men of strength, courage, faith and destiny. The spirit of David and Jehu runs through us both. We neither fear death nor incarceration and we hate injustice, evil and oppression.”

Mr. Fani-Kayode said the governor had done an excellent job in Ekiti State since he assumed office and had consistently and fearlessly stood against “the evil of the Buhari administration and constantly kept them on their toes.”

He added, “He is a Yoruba man who has the courage and conviction to say that he wants to be president. Why would I not stand with him and attend the launching of his campaign?

“I believe that he would make an excellent president and effect the necessary changes and restructuring that our country desperately needs.

“I am very proud of Ayo Fayose and I never desert or abandon my friends. He is and will always be my friend and brother.

Kalu opposes Nigerias Breakup

Former Governor of Abia, Orji Kalu, has expressed opposition with Nigerians agitating for the division of the country.

He called for restructuring as panacea to solving the problems facing the country.

Mr. Kalu made the remark on Friday in a paper he presented at a public lecture organized by the Department of Social Sciences, University of Calabar.

In his paper, entitled: “Devolution of Powers and the Future of Nigeria,’’ Mr. Kalu insisted that the only acceptable solution for Nigeria’s problems remained restructuring.

He said: “I believe fully in the unity of Nigeria. I am against those who call for the division of the country. There is no such provision as division in our Constitution.

“If you look at all political or constitutional conferences we have had in this country since after independence, you will find that devolution of powers featured prominently but under different guise.

“Therefore, like the Igbo people will say, where a child is crying and pointing at, if his father is not there, his mother must surely be there.

“So, I think there is need for us to fully review the call for devolution of powers within the context of our current realities and as permissible by our constitution.

“Whether we call it resource control, Sovereign National Conference, Restructuring or by any other name, we are saying the same thing.

“That we want power to devolve so that our states and local governments can have constitutional powers to do much more than they are doing today.

“It is what the nation needs at the moment, to move forward,” he said.

Mr. Kalu described genuine agitations as part of viable democratic process.

“The agitation for devolution of power, restructuring or referendum, are all legitimate democratic demands.

“They form part of the conversation that must take place to strengthen democracy and make it a real system of government of the people, by the people and for the people,” Mr. Kalu said.

The former governor maintained that the call for devolution of powers started since the time of late Isaac Boro, adding that this was the time for its realization.

He said the call for devolution of powers to the three tiers of governments had become necessary since there was too much power concentrated at the center.

He attributed the present agitations and criminalizes across the country by youth, to lack of even distribution of resources, adding that it had brought unemployment and poverty among the youths.

Mr. Kalu called for restructuring in the areas of Land Use Act; handing over of roads the states; licensing of minerals, among others.

He described as unconstitutional the continued appointment of Caretaker Committees to run Local Government Administrations by some state governors.

Also speaking, the chairman of the occasion, Chris Agara, said the call for restructuring was long overdue.


President Buhari's address to the Nation to acknowledge Nigeria's 57th Independence Day Anniversary

My dear Nigerians, October 1st remains a special date for all Nigerians as this marks the day when we attained one of the most precious of human desires freedom. Over the years the country has gone through trials and tribulations, but October 1st is always a day for celebrations.

It is a day for thanks giving, reflection and re-dedication.

It is also a day for remembrance. We should remind ourselves of the recent journey from 1999 – 2015, when our country happily returned to democratic rule.

However, in spite of oil prices being an average of $100 per barrel and about 2.1m barrels a day, that great piece of luck was squandered and the country’s social and physical infrastructure neglected.

We were left with no savings and huge infrastructure deficit.

The APC Government’s Campaign rallying cry to restore security, re-balance the economy and fight corruption was not all rhetoric. The country must first be secured. The economy must be re-balanced so that we do not depend on oil alone. We must fight corruption which is Nigeria’s Number One Enemy. Our Administration is tackling these tasks in earnest.

In the past two years, Nigeria has recorded appreciable gains in political freedom. A political Party at the Center losing elections of State Governor, National Assembly seat and even State Assemblies to the opposition parties is new to Nigeria. Added to these are complete freedom to associate, to hold and disseminate opinions. Such developments clearly attest to the country’s growing political development. But like all freedoms, this is open to abuse.

Recent calls on re-structuring, quite proper in a legitimate debate, has let in highly irresponsible groups to call for dismemberment of the country. We can not and we will not allow such advocacy.

As a young Army Officer, I took part from the beginning to the end in our tragic civil war costing about 2m lives, resulting in fearful destruction and untold suffering. Those who are agitating for a re-run were not born by 1967 and have no idea of the horrendous consequences of the civil conflict which we went through.

I am very disappointed that responsible leaders of these communities do not warn their hot-headed youths what the country went through. Those who were there should tell those who were not there, the consequences of such folly.

At all events, proper dialogue and any desired constitutional changes should take place in a rational manner, at the National and State Assemblies. These are the proper and legal fora for National debate, not some lop-sided, un-democratic body with pre-determined set of objectives.
Government is keeping up the momentum of dialogue with stakeholders in the Niger Delta to keep the peace. We intend to address genuine grievances of the communities. Government is grateful to the responsible leadership of those communities and will pursue lasting peace in the Niger Delta.
On security, Nigerians must be grateful to our gallant Armed Forces for rolling back the frontiers of Boko Haram’s terrorism, defeating them and reducing them to cowardly attacks on soft and vulnerable targets.
Nigeria is grateful to its neighbours and the international community for the collective efforts to defeat this world-wide menace of terrorism.
Not even the most organized and most equipped police and security forces in the world can escape the menace of modern day terrorism, as we have seen in recent years in Europe and other parts of the world.
But we are not letting up. Our Armed Forces in an effort to enhance the operational capability of troops of OPERATION LAFIYA DOLE have established Mobile Strike Teams in the North East. These will ensure the final push to wipe out the remnants of Boko Haram.
In addition, through targeted air strikes most of the leadership and identified logistics bases and routes of the insurgents have been neutralized. The Armed Forces have established a Naval presence in the Lake Chad Basin as part of the coordinated military efforts to curtail the movements or re-emergence of the sect in the area.
Government is working round the clock to ensure release of the remaining Chibok girls, as well as other persons in Boko Haram captivity. Government will continue to support the Armed Forces and other security agencies to fight not only terrorism, but kidnapping, armed robberies, herdsmen/farmers violence and to ensure peace, stability and security in our country.
With respect to the economy, the Government has remained pro-active in its diversification policy. The Federal Government’s agricultural Anchor Borrowers Programme, which I launched in November 2015, has been an outstanding success with:
· N43.92 billion released through the CBN and 13 participating institutions,
· 200,000 small holder farmers from 29 states of the federation benefitting,
· 233,000 hectares of farmland cultivating eight commodities, namely Rice, Wheat, Maize, Cotton, soya-beans, Poultry, Cassava and Groundnuts, in addition to fish farming.
These initiatives have been undertaken in close collaboration with the states. I wish to commend the efforts of the Governors of Kebbi, Lagos, Ebonyi and Jigawa States for their support to the rice and fertilizer revolutions.
Equally commendable are contributions of the Governors of Ondo, Edo, Delta, Imo, Cross River, Benue, Ogun, Kaduna and Plateau States for their support for the Presidential initiative for palm oil, rubber, cashew, cassava, potatoes and other crops.

With the abundance of rainfall last year and this year, agriculture has enjoyed Divine intervention.
Since December last year, this Administration has produced over 7 million 50Kg bags of fertilizer. Eleven blending plants with a capacity of 2.1 million metric tons have been reactivated. We have saved $150 million in foreign exchange and N60 billion in subsidy. Fertilizer prices have dropped from N13,000 per 50Kg bag to N5,500.
Furthermore, a new presidential initiative is starting with each state of the Federation creating a minimum of 10,000 jobs for unemployed youths, again with the aid of CBN’s development finance initiatives.
Power remains a huge problem. As of September 12th, production of power reached an all — time high of 7,001 Megawatts. Government is increasing its investment, clearing up the operational and financial log jam bedeviling the industry. We hope to reach 10,000 Megawatts by 2020.
Key priorities include better energy mix through solar and Hydro technologies. I am glad to say that after many years of limbo, Mambilla Power Project has taken off.
Elsewhere in the economy the special window created for manufacturers, investors and exporters, foreign exchange requirements has proved very effective. Since April, about $7 billion has come through this window alone. The main effect of these policies is improved confidence in the economy and better investment sentiments.
The country has recorded 7 consecutive months of lower inflation, Naira rate is beginning to stabilize, appreciating from N525 per $1 in February this year to N360 today. Broad-based economic growth is leading us out of recession.
Furthermore, in order to stabilize the polity, the Federal Government gave additional support to states in the form of:
· State Excess Crude Account loans,
· Budget Support Facility,
· Stabilization Fund Release
to states and local governments as follows:
· N200 billion in 2015
· N441 billion in 2016
· N1 trillion in 2017
Altogether totaling N1.642 trillion.
This was done to enable states to pay outstanding salaries, pensions and small business suppliers who had been all but crippled over the years.
In addition, the Government’s current N500 billion Special Intervention Programme is targeting groups through;
· Home Grown School Feeding Programme,
· N-Power Job creation to provide loans to small-scale traders and artisans,
· Conditional Cash Transfer,
· Family Homes Fund and
· Social Housing Scheme.
Fellow Nigerians,
We are fully aware that fighting corruption was never going to be a straightforward task. We expected corrupt elements to use any weapon to fight back, mainly judicial obstruction and political diversion. But we are determined to eradicate corruption from our body politic.
In this fight, the Government has:
· Empowered teams of prosecutors,
· Assembled detailed databases,
· Accelerated the recovery of stolen funds.
The Administration’s new institutional reforms include:
· Enforcing Treasury Single Account,
· Whistle-Blowers Policy,
· Integrated Payroll Personnel and Information System.
We have signed multi-lateral cooperation agreements on criminal matters with friendly countries. There are signs of increasing cooperation from the Judiciary. Recently the Chief Justice of Nigeria directed Heads of all our Courts of first instance and Appeal to accelerate hearings of corruption cases and dismiss any judicial officers found to have been compromised.

Justice Salami has just been appointed to chair the Judiciary’s anti-graft committee. Government expects a lot from this Committee.

I commend the National Assembly for refocusing on its oversight committees. They should, in addition, ensure swift passage of enabling corruption laws. But fighting corruption is a bottom to top operation. I call on all Nigerians to combat corruption at every turn. By not asking for and refusing to accept a bribe, by reporting unethical practices or by blowing a whistle, together we can beat corruption. The government for its part will work for accountability at all levels - Federal, State and Local Governments. CHANGE will then be real.

As we enter the second half of our term of office, we intend to accelerate progress and intensify our resolve to fix the country’s challenges and problems.
Thank you and a happy holiday to all of you.
God bless our country
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Wow when you are accomplished nathing is impossible....See what seyi law did for her daughter on birthday

We thought the almost 50 pictures were much until Seyi Law unveiled a NEW ONE. Tiwaloluwa, Seyi laws daughters birthday was celebrated on the bill board..What a pretty baby...

It's another edition of the prestigious Miss Jolene beauty pageant (face of Jolene) 2017/2018>>If you really have what it takes to be a brand ambassador your time is now

 Do you think you have what it takes to be our brand ambassador?  It
Miss Jolene Beauty Pageant, a product of the Jolene brand is an annual event that mirrors the beauty pageant entertainment industry as an effective tool to educate, empower and promote Self-confidence, bring out talents, further goodwill and encourage young ladies to express their individuality with poise, grace and wits.
The theme of Miss Jolene beauty pageant is “The Total woman” which embodies “Empowering women, embracing cultures, and embodying the beauty within” and it visibly expresses the vision of this pageantry. The goal is not to pick the most beautiful girl as a winner just for the sake of it but to further meaningful course.
This event will provide a platform, for creative designers to display their art and equal opportunity for models to showcase their talent, boost their confidence whilst also opening vast opportunities for designers, beauticians, fashion photographers & models.
 The reign of Miss Jolene is 12 months and this remarkable queen will travel around  the world to represent the brand in promoting the beauty, intelligence, and charm of women globally. 
1st Prize 
A brand new Kia Rio 
A cash prize of 1,000.000 Naira 
A year contract with Jolene
2nd Prize
 500,000 naira
An all expenses paid trip 
A year contract with Jolene
3rd Prize 
500,000 Naira 
A year contract with Jolene
To register visit the nearest Zenith bank nationwide and pay a non-refundable fee of 5,500 Naira to:
 Jolene Hair and cosmetics
  For sponsorship and inquiries contact 
08122339225 or 08077512479
Instagram : @missjolenebeautypageant


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