Before 30 is a Drama series centered around four women living in Lagos and the pressures they face to be married before they turn 30 years old. Their stories are told through the eyes of the lead character Temi Coker (Damilola Adegbite) through voice over. Nkem (Beverly Naya) plays the sexy career woman who believes men are simply playthings. Aisha (Meg Otanwa) is the conflicted northern housewife who is married to a bliionare. Ama (Anee Icha) is the sweet and cheerful friend and the youngest in the group.
The show aims to shed some light on the issues the average singleNigerian woman faces daily in her quest to become a wife. Each character covers various social, physical, economic, religious and cultural aspects of the Nigerian woman, thereby creating a cast that everyone can relate to in some way. The show is sponsored by first bankand locations are sponsored by Federal Palace Hotel and Casino.
Temi is a 27 year old lawyer and the only child of the Coker family. She is at a stage in her life where she does not know who she is so she makes emotional decisions. She is a risk taker and is likely to do things because they feel good at the time, and not necessarily because they are good for her in the long run. She tries daily to balance her own desire to find love with the pressure to just be married. But as a hopeless romantic with a meddlesome mother, this battle becomes harder to win everyday.
Ayo is an ambitious young man and Temis high school sweetheart. He sees marriage as an unnecessary distraction at this stage in his career. Although he loves Temi, he is unable to put her needs before his ambition.
Aisha being from a conservative muslim family has never really been able to choose who she wants to be. She knows who she could be without all the cultural and religious strings that restrain her. She is married to an extremely wealthy man and wants for nothing. Though she is still adjusting to the ups and downs of marriage herself, she understands her friends’ desire to be married.
Akin is a kind hearted humanitarian. He doesn’t have the best track record with relationships but he is willing to change and settle down when he meets Temi.
Ama is a free spirit with a rosy outlook on life. She always wants to do the right thing, and tries to as long as it is within her power to do so. She is very spiritual, and is not afraid to share her faith with anyone. Ama is the youngest of the four girls and it shows in her naiveté.
Nkem is a sexy goddess. Not because of her looks but because of a confidence and assuredness that can be seen and felt from a mile a way. The way she walks, her eyes and the way she speaks all form part of what makes her irresistible to men. She is blunt and direct but she loves her friends
Sherriff is the billionaire heir to an oil and gas empire. He is married to Aisha and is a man with old-fashioned Northern values, despite his western education. He is generous and extremely smart but has a sense on entitlement that comes with growing up with unfathomable wealth.
Link to the trailer:Click Here
Cast List
Lead Women
Damilola Adegbite
Beverly Naya
Meg Otanwa
Anee Icha
Lead Men
O.C Ukeje
Gideon Okeke
Karibi Fubara
Patrick Diabuah
Patrick Doyle
Guest Stars
Zainab Balogun
Tunbosun Aiyedehin
Vimbai Mutinirhi
Kenneth Okoli
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