"16 with a 3 year old daughter. Graduating high school a year early. anything is possible."Another photo below...
Ladies are very fragile when it comes to being in a relationship and also trusting their man. I will talk in respect to all the knowledge i have gathered from books.Some say men are naturally cheats let me explain men are easily moved by what the see unlike ladies,but that does not mean a man wont overcome temptation if he wants.When you wedded husband start looking outside it means that you are not performing your marital obligations properly.You can quote me wrong but that's the truth.If you really shower your man with attention and care i do not think he will really see another and really crave for the person.
Initiate Sex
In your sexual relationship make sure you spice it up with a whole lot of love and also give it to him whenever he wants it.Men do love sex and good one at that.Understanding his body language will really help matters.
Make Your Relationship A Priority
When men cheat, there’s a high chance that the woman they are cheating with is most likely having a non sexual affair with someone else. They are only prioritizing something else such as a job, children, career or any thing that pushes the man down the scale instead of the first position. If you really love him, he should be a priority and he will notice that and stay faithful to you.
Try experimenting new sexual ideas with your husband make him crave for you more.If possible watch adult films once in a while to spice up your sexual lifestyle.
Give Him Some ‘Alone’ Time
The truth is some men cheat because they see it as a way of exercising their freedom from their partners. Give him some time alone without you bearing down on his neck. You may want to take all his time but try not to monopolize his time as that may make him squeeze out time to cheat on you.Always give him space that wont cause a harm to your relationship but it will make it grow stronger.
Control Your EmotionsGive Him Some ‘Alone’ Time
The truth is some men cheat because they see it as a way of exercising their freedom from their partners. Give him some time alone without you bearing down on his neck. You may want to take all his time but try not to monopolize his time as that may make him squeeze out time to cheat on you.Always give him space that wont cause a harm to your relationship but it will make it grow stronger.
A regular outburst of emotions on your man can drive a wedge between you and him and cause him to look for another woman. It is essential you channel your anger, rage, sadness and disappointment in a way that you can convey your emotions without driving him away from you. Self-control is important as everyone gets tired of appearing like a constant disappointment, especially men.
Let Him Be In Charge
A lot of times, women try to make the relationship work the way they want it to be and this will most times lead to destructive habits such as nagging, criticizing and blaming. Try not to want to be completely in charge and instead of focusing on controlling him, focus on controlling yourself.
Appreciate Him And Show It
While it is easier to appreciate people, a lot of people make the mistake of not showing it. The truth is all relationships are voluntary and any of you can decide to leave at anytime. Show him you care and remind him of it continually. Let him know how important he is to you and he’d most likely never think of cheating.